Module designation

Pancasila (Indonesian Philosophical Foundation)

Semester(s) in which the module

is taught

1st Semester

Person responsible for the module

Ikhsan Rosyid Mujahidul Anwari, S.S., M.A.



Relation to curriculum


Teaching methods

Learning activities are carried out in the form of structured lectures, which include lectures, public lectures, group presentations, group discussions, individual assignments in the form of public lecture reviews, article reviews, film reviews, case

studies, and preparation of group national projects.


Total workload: 3.2 ECTS

Contact hours: 1,400 minutes = 23.33 hours

Self-study hours: 3,360 minutes = 56 hours

Credit Points

3.2 ECTS

Required and recommended prerequisites for joining the


Module objectives/ intended learning outcome

Able to respond to the actual problems of the nation and state, as well as apply the values of Pancasila in the life of the nation and society with the final achievement being students are able to: solve national problems related to Pancasila by creating a national project to contribute to improving the quality of life in society, nation, state, and progress civilization based on Pancasila (C6, A2,



1.       Pancasila in the study of national history, Pancasila as the basis of the state,

2.       Pancasila as the state ideology,

3.       Pancasila as a philosophical system,

4.       Pancasila as an ethical system,

5.       Pancasila values as the basis for the development of science,

6.       The meaning of the Pancasila precepts, and examples of

internal application national and social life

Examination forms

Midterm Exam, individual and group assignments

Study and examination


Student must have at least 75% of attendance out of total


Reading list

1.       Latif, Yudi, 2009, Negara Paripurna, Aktualitas dan Historisitas Pancasila, Jakarta: Gramedia

2.       Latif, Yudi, 2014, Mata Air Keteladanan, Pancasila dalam Perbuatan, Bandung: Mizan

3.       Tim Dikti, 2016, Modul Pendidikan Pancasila untuk Perguruan Tinggi, Jakarta: Kemenristekdikti

4.       Tim MKWU, 2020, Modul Terintegrasi MKWU