Module designation

Graph Theory (MAL310)

Semester(s) in which the module is taught


Person responsible for the module

Dr. Liliek Susilowati



Relation to curriculum

Compulsory / elective / specialisation

Teaching methods

Lecture and lesson.

Workload (incl. contact hours, self-study hours)

3×170 minutes (3×50 minutes lecture and lesson, 3×60 minutes structural activities, 3×60 minutes self-study) per week for 16 weeks

Credit points

3 CP (4,8 ECTS)

Required and recommended prerequisites for joining the module

Discrete Mathematics (MAL204),  Fundamental of Mathematics II (MAL203)

Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

General Competencies:

1. Carry out abstractions and analogies, and find basic patterns.

2. Mastering mathematical skills, namely the ability to reason logically, critically and systematically, which is carried out creatively and innovatively

Specific Competencies: student are able to

1. Determine whether a graph meets certain graph criteria

2. Determine the chromatic number of a graph

3. Determine the matching of a graph.

4. Determine the decomposition and factorization of a graph.

5. Rewrite certain topics about graphs.


Planar graphs (Planar graphs, properties of planar graphs), Euler graphs (Definition and properties of the Euler graphs), Hamilton graphs, graph coloring, chromatic numbers, matching (maximum matching, perfect matching), decomposition and factorization, studying certain topics from the graph to be presented in the form of a presented paper.

Examination forms

Essay and Presentation

Study and examination requirements

Students are considered to pass if they at least have got final score 40 (D).

Final score is calculated as follow: 10% softskill+20% assignment + 20% Quiz + 25% midterm + 25% final exam (Presentation).


Final index is defined as follow:


: 86 – 100


: 78 – 85.99


: 70 – 77.99


: 62 – 69.99


: 54 – 61.99


: 40 – 53.99


: 0 – 39.99

Reading list

1.    Chartrand, G., Oellerman, O.R., 1993, Applied and Algorithmic Graph Theory, McGraw-Hill Inc, Canada.

2.    West, Douglas B, 2001, Introduction to Graph Theory, Second Edition, Prentice-Hall, Inc, USA.

3.    Harary, F, 1976,  Graph Theory

4.   Liliek Susilowati1, Mohammad Imam Utoyo1 & Slamin, 2017,  On Commutative Characterization of Graph Operation with Respect to Metric Dimension, J. Math. Fund. Sci., Vol. 49, No. 2, 2017, 156-170.