Module designation

Linear Control Theory (MAL308)

Semester(s) in which the module is taught


Person responsible for the module

Prof. Dr. Fatmawati, M.Si.


Indonesian and english

Relation to curriculum

Compulsory / elective / specialisation

Teaching methods

Lecture, lesson and project

Workload (incl. contact hours, self-study hours)

3×170 minutes (3×50 minutes lecture and lesson, 3×60 minutes structural activities, 3×60 minutes self-study) per week for 16 weeks

Credit points

3 CP (4,8 ECTS)

Required and recommended prerequisites for joining the module

Ordinary Differential Equation (MAT210)

Linear Algebra (MAL302)

Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

General Competence (Knowledge)

Understanding the concept of the system theory and  the optimal control  and also the application in a real problem.

Specific Competence: Students are able to

1.      Explain the principles of modeling in the form of the state of space

2.      Explain the concept of the transfer function

3.      Solve the differential equations linear system

4.      Solve the equation state through the Laplace  transformation

5.      Explain the concept of the stability of the system

6.      Determine of the controllability and observability of the system

7.      Determine of the stabilizability and detectability of the system

8.      Explain the concept of the optimal control of the system

9.      Apply the concept of optimal control on a real problem



Introduction to the theory of control linear, the principle of the modeling, transfer function, state space formulation, linear system time continuous and the solution, stability, controllability, observability, stabilizability, detectability , feedback control and optimal control.

Examination forms

Essay and oral presentation

Study and examination requirements

Students are considered to pass if they at least have got a final score 40 (D).

The assessments include the essay test (quiz, middle exam, final exam) and group presentations (assignment).

Final score is calculated as follow: 10% softskill + 23.75% assignment + 21.25% quiz +  22.5% midterm + 22.5% final exam

Final index is defined as follow:


: 86 – 100


: 78 – 85.99


: 70 – 77.99


: 62 – 69.99


: 54 – 61.99


: 40 – 53.99


: 0 – 39.99

Reading list

  1. Olsder, G.J., and Vander Woude, J.W., 2003, Mathematical System Theory, Lecture Notes, Delft.
  2. Burghes, D. N., and Graham, A., 1980, Introduction to Control Theory, Including Optimal Control, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
  3. William II, R. L., and Lawrence, D. A.,  2007, Linear State–Space Control Systems, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York.
  4. Lewis, F. L.  and Syrmos, V. L., 1994, Optimal Control, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Canada.
  5. Naidu, D.N., Optimal Control Systems, 2003, Optimal Control, CRC Press, Florida.