Module designation

Discrete Mathematics (MAL204)

Semester(s) in which the module is taught


Person responsible for the module

Dr. Liliek Susilowati, M. Si.



Relation to curriculum


Teaching methods

Lecture and lesson.

Workload (incl. contact hours, self-study hours)

3×170 minutes (3×50 minutes lecture and lesson, 3×60 minutes structural activities, 3×60 minutes self-study) per week for 16 weeks

Credit points

3 CP (4,8 ECTS)

Required and recommended prerequisites for joining the module

Fundamentals of Mathematics II (MAL 203)

Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

General Competence (Knowledge):

Capable of understanding the concept and the problems of discrete mathematics, critical thinking, and structured, creative problem-solving.

Specific Competence: students are able to

1.      Use permutation and combination to solve combinatorial problems.

2.      Determine a relation which is a relation of partial orders.

3.      Determine the explicit formula for the recurrence relation.

4.      Determine the value function of  Boolean algebra.

5.      Explain special terms in graphs.

6.      Determine the graph as the result of the operation of two graphs.

7.      Prove that graphs are isomorphic.

8.      Solve problems related to graphs


Enumeration, permutation and combination, binomial theorem, the principle of inclusion and exclusion, pigeon hole principle, partial order relation, and total order relation, solving recursion relation, Boolean algebra, graphs, connected graphs,  isomorphic graphs, trees, connectivity matrix of a graph,  planar graphs, Euler graphs, maximum

Examination forms


Study and examination requirements

Students are considered to pass if they at least have got a final score 40 (D).

Final score is calculated as follows: 10% softskill+20% assignment + 20% Quiz + 25% midterm + 25% final exam.


Final index is defined as follow:


: 86 – 100


: 78 – 85.99


: 70 – 77.99


: 62 – 69.99


: 54 – 61.99


: 40 – 53.99


: 0 – 39.99

Reading list

1.      Epp, Susanna S, 2019, Discrete Mathematic With Applications 5th Edition,  Cengage Learning, USA.

2.      Rossen, Kenneth H, 2018, Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications 8th Edition, McGraw-Hill Companies, New York.

3.      Chartrand, Gary and Oellermann, Ortrud R, 1993, Applied And Algorithmic Graph Theory.

4.      Bahan Ajar Matematika Diskrit,  Nenik Estuningsih, Liliek Susilowati, FST.