Friday, 16 September 2022, Bachelor of Mathematics Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, Airlangga University (FST UNAIR) held Socialization and Promotion Activities for students at MAN Batu. This activity is an effort to introduce the interesting side of Mathematics so that it can motivate high school graduates to study at the UNAIR Mathematics Study Program.
The socialization was opened by the Principal of MAN Batu School, represented by Yusna, M.Pd., as Deputy Head of Curriculum. The event continued with a presentation on socialization and promotion by Abdulloh Jaelani, M.Si as coordinator of promotional activities. On this occasion, he explained the job prospects for graduates of the Mathematics Study Program as well as the achievements of the Study Program which were realized in various programs, both through Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM), student activities, and alumni achievements.
Furthermore, Abdulloh Jaelani, M.Si. conveyed to the participants why they should choose the Mathematics Study Program at FST UNAIR. Because the FST UNAIR Mathematics Study Program has been accredited SUPERIOR by BAN-PT and internationally accredited by ASIIN. This cannot be separated from the support and hard work of teaching staff who are experienced in their fields.
This activity, which was held interactively with ice breaking interludes, received a positive response from the participants. This was proven by the enthusiasm of the participants in participating in the activity from start to finish.