Friday, August 4, 2023, the Mathematics Study Program visited Al Islam Joresan Islamic Boarding School, Ponorogo. This visit was in order to promote the study program which is an annual routine activity of UNAIR Mathematics Study Program. The activity which lasted for one hour was attended by students from MA and SMK levels.
The promotional activity was opened by representatives of Al Islam Islamic Boarding School followed by a brief speech from the Mathematics Study Program. Appearing as a speaker in this promotional activity was Abdulloh Jaelani, S.Si., M.Si., a lecturer at UNAIR Mathematics Study Program. In his material, Mr. Jae, his nickname, introduced everything related to UNAIR Mathematics Study Program, from vision and mission, specialization to job prospects for graduates. Mr. Jae also explained the various entry paths that prospective students can take to get into UNAIR, both through test and non-test paths. Furthermore, Mr. Jae elaborated on the entry opportunities of each pathway based on the percentage of acceptance.

“Because UNAIR is PTNBH, the largest proportion of freshmen comes from the independent pathway, which is a maximum of 50%. UNAIR independent pathway can use UTBK scores or take an independent test. Students can also use KIP Lecture for the independent pathway, “ he explained.
The material that day was closed with questions and answers from the participants who seemed enthusiastic about following the material from beginning to end. Through this promotional activity, it is expected to be able to open students’ understanding and increase their interest in continuing their studies in UNAIR Mathematics Study Program. Closing the event that day, a group photo was taken with the board of teachers, pesantren coaches, promotion team and participants.