On Wednesday, September 6, 2023, the Mathematics Study Program of the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) at Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) received a delegation from the S1 Mathematics Education Study Program of the Universitas Jember (UNEJ). The purpose of this visit was to facilitate the exchange and discussion regarding the implementation of ASIIN international accreditation. The meeting took place in the Faculty of Science and Technology UNAIR’s meeting room, with the attendance of six lecturers from UNEJ, including the head of the UNEJ Mathematics Education S1 study program. FST UNAIR was represented by six lecturers from the Mathematics Study Program.

The event commenced with an opening address by Dr. Eridani, Vice Dean 1 of FST UNAIR and a lecturer in the Mathematics Study Program. In his opening remarks, Dr. Eridani expressed the Mathematics Study Program’s warm welcome and openness to colleagues from UNEJ, eager to share insights related to the ASIIN accreditation process. The UNAIR Mathematics Study Program has been accredited by ASIIN since 2018 and is scheduled for reaccreditation in 2023.

Conversely, UNEJ’s Mathematics Education Study Program has sought ASIIN accreditation in 2023 and recently underwent a visitation process. The visit to UNAIR represents one of UNEJ’s initiatives to address the input and recommendations provided by the ASIIN team. Earlier on the same day, the UNEJ Mathematics Education Study Program also visited ITS with a similar agenda. Through these visits and collaborative exchanges with Mathematics study programs that have achieved ASIIN accreditation, they aim to effectively implement the suggestions from the ASIIN team and achieve optimal outcomes.