Alumni are one of the stakeholders crucial in enhancing the quality of study programs. Apart from providing valuable inputs for curriculum development according to market needs, alumni also serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for students in their alma mater. Therefore, the Mathematics Study Program at the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), strives to build good relationships with its alumni. One of the initiatives is organizing the Alumni Talk event held on Sunday, November 28, 2021. This event aims to explore the importance of networking, both between the study program and alumni, between FST institutions and alumni, and among alumni (across different graduating classes).

The event featured alumni from various backgrounds to provide students with diverse insights into post-campus life.
The first speaker was Dr. Inna Kuswandari, M.Si., a lecturer at the Mathematics Study Program, UNAIR, and also an alumna of Mathematics UNAIR from the class of 1985. Fondly known as Bu Inna, she currently serves as a member of the Planning and Development Board (BPP) at UNAIR.
The second speaker was Ahmad Madani, Director of FlexOffice Indonesia, who graduated from Mathematics UNAIR in 2002. During his studies, he was actively involved in various organizations, including serving as a board member of Himatika, Secretary-General of BEM FMIPA UNAIR, and Secretary-General of the Indonesian Association of Statistics Student Associations (IHMSI). He was part of the Sinarmas group for 11 years in the Sales & Marketing Export division, covering the regions of Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.
The third speaker was Renny Anggraeny, a tax consultant at KKP Anggie. An alumna of Mathematics UNAIR from the class of 1995, she once served as the Chair of the Mathematics Association in 1998. She also worked as an employee at the Swiss PMA (PT Omya Indonesia Group) for 12 years.

The Alumni Talk event, attended by approximately 65 participants including students, faculty members, and alumni, began with opening remarks from the chairman of HIMATIKA and the coordinator of the Mathematics Study Program, UNAIR. The event continued with presentations from each speaker followed by a discussion session. Towards the end of the event, HIMATIKA presented their work program.
Besides serving as a bridge between alumni and the Mathematics Study Program at UNAIR, the Alumni Talk event also supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly goals 8 and 17:
- Promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.
- Strengthening the means of implementation and revitalizing the global partnership for sustainable development.