Tuesday, October 29, 2020, the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga successfully held the International Conference of Mathematics, Computational Sciences, and Statistics (ICoMCoS) 2020. ICoMCoS is an activity organized by the Mathematics department with the full support of the human resources of lecturers and students from the Mathematics, Information Systems, and Statistics Study Programs. This activity aims to promote and accommodate interactions between Mathematics, Computational Science, Statistics, some of whose methodologies are related in studying various phenomena around. Analysis and Geometry; Algebra and Combinatorics; Applied Mathematics; Statistics; Computational Science; Informatics; Actuarial and Data Science are the topics of speakers in this conference. This conference also presented renowned Keynote Speakers from various countries. For the field of Statistics represented by Prof. Haavard Rue from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia. Then the field of Computing Science was represented by Assoc. Prof. Norhaslinda Kamaruddin from Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia. The field of Mathematical analysis was represented by Prof. Yoshihiro Sawano from Chuo University, Japan; and Prof. Martin Alan Bees from the University of York, United Kingdom representing the field of Applied Mathematics. This further demonstrates the role of the Department of Mathematics in facilitating research activities at the international level.
The activity coordinated by Cicik Alfiniyah, Ph. D was decided to be held online. This considers the risk of spreading COVID-19 which is still massive for mutual safety. However, this did not dampen the interest of the participants who registered. This is evidenced by the number of participants who came from various regions with various institutions. Moreover, the output of this activity is a publication in the form of Scopus-indexed AIP proceedings. The activity which started at 08.30 WIB was opened with a video profile of Universitas Airlangga, and Faculty of Science and Technology (FST). Prof. Win Darmanto, Ph.D, as the dean of FST at that time officially opened the conference.
The activity then continued with the first plenary session with moderator Dr. Eridani, where this session was filled by Assoc. Prof. Norhaslinda Kamaruddin and Prof. Yoshihiro Sawano. The participants were very enthusiastic about this session, as evidenced by the many questions asked by the participants in the Question and Answer (QnA) column.
No less enthusiastic than the previous session, the first parallel session which took place at 10.45 WIB – 12.15 WIB was also colored by interactive discussions between participants. This parallel session was divided into nine classes in different Zoom rooms guided by a moderator from the Mathematics Department lecturer in each class. The department lecturers who guided the parallel session activities were Dr. Nenik Estuningsih, Dr. Windarto, Ira Puspitasari Ph. D., Asri Bekti Pratiwi, M.Si., Auli Damayanti, M.Si., M. Fariz Fadillah Mardianto, M.Si., Siti Maghfirotul Ulyah, M.Sc., Dr. Toha Saifudin, and Dr. Nur Chamidah. After the first parallel session, the second plenary session was continued after the break session. This session was filled by Prof. Martin Alan Bees, then continued by Prof. Haavard Rue guided by Dr. Rimuljo Hendradi as the moderator. This session also created enthusiasm that was no less high than the previous session. The entire ICoMCoS 2020 series was closed with the second parallel session with the same class.
“See you at the next ICoMCoS!”, that’s how Belindha as the Master of Ceremony (MC) together with Ricky said goodbye that afternoon. Through the event evaluation form, all participants responded well to the organization of this conference. They claimed to be satisfied with the committee’s service as well as the concept and material carried in it. Most of the participants also hoped that this activity could continue to be held every year. Finally, the entire committee consisting of lecturers and students of the Department of Mathematics hopes that this activity can be a bridge that can connect domestic researchers and foreign researchers to share perspectives and solutions to answer global challenges through the implementation of various concepts and theories of Mathematics, Computational Science, and Statistics. Hopefully the next ICoMCoS can be held face-to-face, provided that the COVID-19 pandemic has ended. Aamiin.