On Friday, March 25th, the Mathematics Study Program held a Guest Lecture themed “Data Visualization.” This event was initiated by the Research Operations and Computation (ROK) expert group, featuring a speaker from the School of Computing and Informatics, Universiti Teknologi Brunei, Senior Assistant Professor Arif Bramantoro Soegihadi. This was the second time Mr. Arif served as a guest speaker for the Mathematics Program at Unair. Previously, he participated in the Decota event last September, discussing “Sentiment Analysis in Social Media.”

The event was opened by Mr. Muhammadun, S.Si., M.Si., a lecturer from the Mathematics Program at Unair, who served as the host and moderator. The session continued with Mr. Arif presenting his material. He began with an introduction to his research results and the institution where he works. He also took this opportunity to offer various scholarship programs for studies in Brunei.

Regarding data visualization, Mr. Hadi explained the importance of using data visualization in research. Data visualization can be used at the beginning of the analysis to show the condition of the data. Subsequently, it is periodically used to evaluate quantitative patterns observed during data analysis. Finally, data visualization is used to present the results of the analysis.

Furthermore, when displaying data, Mr. Hadi mentioned three pillars that must be met: 1) Clarity – the data should be able to speak for itself and be understandable to the viewer; 2) No obfuscation – data visualization should not hide data or processes leading to conclusions, “if the data is poor, just present it as it is. Do not create misconceptions for the reader,” he explained. 3) Minimalism – avoid making data visualizations overly complex, such as with excessive color schemes, data repetition, too many decorations, and so on.

In this session, Mr. Hadi also provided various examples of errors in data visualization by directly showing related images. This certainly helped participants understand the material better. The event concluded with a Q&A session and a group photo. Besides being held online via Zoom, the event was also broadcast live on Unair Mathematics Official YouTube and can be watched at this link.