Goals and Achievement Strategies

Goals and Achievement Strategies


Objectives to be addressed to realise the vision, mission and goals of the Bachelor Degree Programme of Mathematics are :

  1. Graduates with high moral, competent in the field of mathematics and entrepreneurial spirit that allows its graduates were able to continue their studies to a higher level or enter the working world.
  2. Innovative, productive, and a good quality of research both at national and international to support the development of mathematics and its application, especially in natural sciences and industry.
  3. Cooperation with industry other institutions both at national and international level in the field of community service as an actualization of the Tri Dharma College.

Achievement Strategies

To achieve the target of the Bachelor Degree Programme of Mathematics, there are some achievement strategies, such as :

  1. Curriculum review performed in every 3 or 4 years once adjusted with IPTEK development and stakeholder needs. Under the review of this curriculum Dalam peninjauan kurikulum ini juga dianalisa muatan soft skills serta peningkatan kemampuan bahasa inggris.
  2. Management and structuring Bachelor Degree Programme of Mathematics resource to support the implementation of effective education and efficient.
  3. Improving the quality of theaching and learning process is continuous and equipped with adequate infrastructure.
  4. Research development, publication, and community service based on the research that involved college student.
  5. Web maintenance of the Bachelor Degree Programme of Mathematics as means to access information, such as PBM, lecturer research, the promotion of Bachelor Degree Programme of Mathematics, scholarships funding sources, and a place for Mathematics Graduates in Faculty of Science and Technology in Airlangga University.
  6. Increased cooperation with industry as well as other institutions both at national and international level in the field of education, research, and community service.