In preparation for LAMSAMA and ASIIN reaccreditation processes, the Mathematics Study Program at Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) conducted a Curriculum Review activity on Monday, March 20, 2023. The primary objective of this undertaking was to meticulously assess the study program curriculum to align it with the stipulated requirements and criteria set forth by LAMSAMA and ASIIN. This curriculum review initiative also sought to incorporate valuable insights from stakeholders and alumni.
Representing the stakeholder sector were Faris Budiawan, S.E., M.M., Director of the Human Resources Department at Bank Indonesia (BI), and M. Fairuzzuddin Zuhair, S.Si., CEO of PT Lentera Alam Nusantara Digital. In his presentation, Faris Budiawan underscored the ample opportunities available for Mathematics graduates to contribute to Bank Indonesia, emphasizing the enhancement of competencies such as English proficiency, communication skills, and overall physical and mental well-being. Similarly, Fairuzzuddin shared insights, highlighting the acceptance of internship students from the UNAIR Mathematics Study Program under the MBKM scheme, expressing the critical need for Mathematics graduates, particularly in the Research and Development (R&D) sector focusing on research related to swallows.

Alumni representation was facilitated by Bayu Aldi Yansyah, S.Si., and Isti Reski Ramadhan, S.Si., graduates of the 2013 and 2006 cohorts of the UNAIR Mathematics Study Program. During the sharing session, both alumni provided valuable perspectives on aspects that warrant emphasis and improvement, including the enhancement of analytical and foreign language skills. Isti, presently employed at OJK, expounded on how the honed analytical skills acquired during her Mathematics studies facilitated problem-solving in her professional role. Furthermore, Bayu stressed the necessity of fostering an environment conducive to improving students’ foreign language abilities, particularly in English.

A pivotal moment during the event transpired with a curriculum review conducted by Prof. Dr. rer. Nat. Sri Wahyuni, a lecturer at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and a LAMSAMA assessor. In her presentation, Prof. Sri Wahyuni expounded on the preparatory measures essential for ASIIN accreditation. He intricately detailed the criteria outlined by ASIIN and elucidated their correlation with the LAMSAMA criteria. Conclusively, Prof. Sri Wahyuni directly assessed the UNAIR Mathematics Study Program curriculum, providing comprehensive recommendations aimed at elevating quality and ensuring alignment with curriculum standards.