On Wednesday, September 13, 2023, the Community Service Team of the S1 Mathematics Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga, conducted socialization activities regarding the utilization of Smart Indonesia Cards (KIP) – Kuliah. The activity, titled “Expanding Access to Higher Education through the Use of KIP- Kuliah,” was organized through collaboration between the S1 Mathematics Study Program, FST UNAIR, the Pasuruan District Counseling Guidance Teacher Association (MGBK), and SMAN 1 Taruna Madani Bangil.

The event, held at the Hall of SMAN 1 Taruna Madani in East Java, Jl Bader Bangil, saw the participation of more than 100 high school students from Pasuruan district, accompanied by over 20 teachers from the Counselling Guidance departments of these schools. Participating schools included SMAN 1 Taruna Madani East Java, SMAN 1 Gondangwetan, SMAN 1 Grati, SMAN 1 Kejayan, SMAN 1 Pandaan, SMAN 1 Purwosari, SMA Maarif Sukorejo, SMA Maarif Pandaan, SMA Walisongo Gempol, SMA Yadika Bangil, SMKN 1 Beji, SMKN 1 Bangil, SMKN 2 Sukorejo, SMK Ahmad Yani Bangil, and MAN 1 Pasuruan.

The primary objective of this activity, aside from socializing information about KIP-K, is to enhance the role of universities in promoting increased access to higher education, particularly for economically disadvantaged individuals. Beyond the main material concerning KIP- Kuliah, the activity also aims to raise public awareness about the importance of higher education, motivating students to enhance their competencies through further education. This is addressed in the subtopic “Why do you need higher education,” followed by the presentation of questionnaire results filled out by students regarding their conditions and determination to succeed in education in the subtopic “Academic Self-Efficacy.”

During the discussion session, students demonstrated considerable interest in KIP-K, evident in the participants’ enthusiasm while posing various questions, ranging from specific requirements for applying for KIP-K to the unique pathway for admission to UNAIR, known as the golden ticket. The evaluation conducted at the conclusion of the event through questionnaire feedback revealed that Counselling Guidance (BK) teachers desire the continuity of such activities with more diverse topics, encompassing both higher education in general and specifics about UNAIR.