The Airlangga Education Expo (AEE) was once again held by Universitas Airlangga on February 18-20, 2022, at the Airlangga Convention Centre (ACC), Campus C, Surabaya. AEE is an annual event by Universitas Airlangga to introduce its study programs to the wider community, including students, teachers, schools, and parents. AEE 2022 was conducted in a hybrid format (offline and online) and carried the theme “SMART Journey to EXCELLENT Future.” The event provided various activities, including Talkshows, Information Booths, Performances, Golden Tickets, and many other interesting activities.

Not falling behind other faculties, the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) also participated in enlivening AEE 2022 through an Info Session on Sunday (20/2/2022) via Zoom Meeting. Prof. Dr. Moh Yasin, M.Si, the Dean of FST UNAIR, mentioned that FST has produced numerous innovations in the field of science and technology through a plethora of publications and product creations. One of the innovations from FST UNAIR that is currently being widely discussed is the Merah Putih Vaccine.

“The development of the Merah Putih Vaccine, which is currently undergoing clinical trials, is also thanks to the contribution from the Chemistry study program at UNAIR,” he said.

Meanwhile, Dr. Miratul Khasanah, the Vice Dean II of FST UNAIR, stated that FST UNAIR is highly committed to the quality of education and graduates. Four study programs have been internationally accredited. Currently, two study programs at FST UNAIR are accredited by EUN-QA, namely accreditation from ASEAN. This includes programs that have been accredited by ASIIN, which is international accreditation in the fields of engineering, natural sciences, mathematics, medicine, and economics.

“Of course, there are many qualifications (accreditation indicators). One of them is facilities, as well as programs and learning systems. It also includes the assessment of graduate absorption in the job market. We are grateful to have met those criteria,” added Dr. Miratul.

Moch. Firmansyah, a participant, was impressed by the organization of AEE 2022 because there were many learning opportunities. He also hoped that next year this event could be held fully offline. “I am very happy that the Airlangga Education Expo (AEE) in 2022 was conducted in a blended manner with 2 mechanisms, offline and online. This was eagerly awaited both by the academic community of UNAIR and prospective new students in 2022. Because in AEE, there are many learning opportunities, starting from the introduction of faculties and study programs, a series of competitions, and the most awaited by new students is the Golden Ticket to enter UNAIR. Hopefully, next year it can be held fully offline,” said Firmansyah.

Booth FST on Airlangga Education Expo

Source:  Airlangga Education Expo: SMART Journey to EXCELLENT Future – Prodi S1 Statistika (