In collaboration with Universitas Airlangga, Jeonbuk National University, often referred to as JBNU, organized a student exchange program. Participants of this program had the opportunity to study at JBNU located in Jeonju, South Korea. Students who joined this program were not only focused on academic activities but also engaged in a series of activities to get to know the local culture and students. Universitas Airlangga successfully sent several students to participate in this program, one of whom was Ricky Novaldi Willyanto, a Mathematics student from the 2018 class of the Faculty of Science and Technology. Ricky participated in this program through Airlangga Global Engagement, fulfilling the predetermined requirements set by the respective university.

The student exchange lasted for one semester, from March to July. Ricky himself had been in Korea since January 2021. Due to the global pandemic situation, classes were conducted using a hybrid method, adapting to the COVID-19 cases in South Korea. Accommodations were provided without additional charges, covering both meal and housing expenses, in a dormitory for students. Like other student exchange participants, Ricky also took part in activities provided by the program. There were 4 activities, namely Cultural Experience, Tutorial, Student Buddy, and Student Clubs. In the Cultural Experience, Ricky visited Hanok Village Jeonju (a traditional rural area), museums, and temples in the area. Not only that, he had the opportunity to wear hanbok (traditional Korean clothing), taste local snacks, and assemble traditional fans. Next was the Tutorial, where Korean students taught 2 to 3 foreign students to hone their Korean language skills. Student Buddy, similar to Tutorial, focused on campus life and surroundings. Finally, there was Student Clubs, an activity similar to student organizations at Universitas Airlangga.

Ricky had set his sights on participating in exchange programs since his first year of study. This was because of his curiosity about the learning system at other universities, in addition to wanting to gain new experiences. Previously, he had received an offer for a student exchange program from Universiti Utara Malaysia, but this program was fully conducted online. After further research, Ricky finally found a Student Exchange program that still allowed offline activities, namely in Europe and Korea. Seeing the program offers, Ricky ultimately chose Korea as his destination for the Student Exchange. As mentioned earlier, the program at JBNU offered student accommodation and meal expenses without charge. Additionally, the cost of living in Korea was relatively cheaper compared to Europe.

The challenges faced during the exchange were more towards communication, both in terms of language and the character of students at the university. Like the majority of Koreans, students there tended to be somewhat reserved. However, Ricky felt the benefits provided by this program. He admitted to gaining valuable experiences by actively participating in various activities provided, making new acquaintances and friends from various countries, and expanding his language skills. Quoting from an interview conducted by the writer with the source, Ricky stated, “Student exchange is totally worth it. In my opinion, during your time as a student, you should try a student exchange at least once or, if not, try short courses (offline) because they really provide valuable experiences.” As for future plans, Ricky will continue his studies, thesis, and internship. Meanwhile, the plan to return to his home country is estimated for August, but considering the ongoing pandemic situation in Indonesia, the decision is not yet certain.

Author : Annisa Rahma Putri