Guest Lecture #2: The Equivalence of Induction with Key Principles Related to the Set of Natural Numbers

The guest lecture, held in collaboration between the Mathematics Department of Universitas Airlangga (Unair) and Universitas Billfath, ran smoothly on Saturday, April 7, 2021. The event, which covered the topic “The Equivalence of Induction with Key Principles Related to the Set of Natural Numbers,” was the second in a series following the first guest lecture held the previous month. Dr. Eridani, M.Si., a lecturer from Unair’s Mathematics Department, once again served as the speaker, with Ahmad Khairul Umam, S.Si., M.Si., a lecturer from Universitas Billfath, acting as the moderator. More than 60 participants attended the event online.

Presentation by Dr. Eridani, M.Si.

Dalam paparannya, Pak Eri menjelaskan mengenai hubungan antara Prinsip Terurut Rapi bilangan natural  dengan rumus Induksi. Diawali dengan definisi bilangan natural N, dilanjutkan dengan sebuah postulat mengenai sifat terurut rapi yang berbunyi, Sebarang subhimpunan takkosong N selalu mempunyai unsur terkecil. Selanjutnya sifat tersebut digunakan untuk membuktikan teorema induksi dan ditunjukkan keberlakuannya. Di akhir paparan, pak Eri juga menunjukkan beberapa modifikasi rumus induksi.

Although the material presented was pure mathematics, which can be challenging for some, the participants were enthusiastic. This was evident from the several questions asked during the Q&A session. One notable question concerned how to prove the induction formula in the context of high school students, given that induction is part of the high school mathematics curriculum. Dr. Eridani emphasized, “For high school students, the induction formula does not need to be proven. The most important part of the induction formula is its application.”

The online guest lecture, conducted via Zoom, can be accessed at