The Mathematics Study Program of the Faculty of Science and Technology at Universitas Airlangga once again held a Guest Lecture in the field of Algebra. The event, which addressed the topic “Idempotents in Semigroup Theory,” took place on Thursday, December 2, 2021. Dr. Asawer Duraid Hamdi from the University of Baghdad was present as the speaker.
The guest lecture was opened by the moderator from the Mathematics Study Program, Ms. Siti Zahidah, S.Si., M.Si., followed by the presentation of materials by Dr. Asawer. The day’s material began with an explanation of semigroups, monoids, and groups. A semigroup (S, *) is a non-empty set S with an associative binary operation. Monoids are semigroups that have identity elements. Groups are monoids in which every element has an inverse. Next, idempotents were explained. An idempotent is an element (e) in S that satisfies e = e^2.
The event continued with a question and answer session from the participants of the guest lecture, consisting of both faculty members and students, especially those taking Algebra-related courses this semester. This activity, which was attended by more than 100 participants, also supports Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) point four, which is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
This guest lecture event can also be viewed on the Universitas Airlangga Mathematics Official Youtube channel at the following link: