On Tuesday, November 27, 2023, the Mathematics Study Program at the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), Universitas Airlangga, hosted a guest lecture focusing on Mathematical Modelling. The event took place in the Meeting Room of the Faculty of FST and featured Prof. Fugo Takasu from Nara Women’s University, Japan, as the esteemed speaker. Approximately 40 participants, including lecturers, undergraduate (S1) and graduate (S2) students from the Department of Mathematics, and doctoral (S3) students from the Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA) program, attended the lecture. Also in attendance was Prof. Dr. Fatmawati, M.Si, Vice Dean 3 of FST, who is a member of the Research Group (KBK) in System Modelling at the Mathematics Study Program, FST, Universitas Airlangga.

During the lecture, Prof. Fugo Takasu delved into the theme “Spatial Population Dynamics as Point Process,” focusing on the discussion of how changes in birth, death, migration, and individual conditions contribute to dynamic systems. In dynamic systems, the birth of a new individual is analogous to the introduction of a new element into the system, while death represents the removal of an individual. Both events impact the overall population or composition of the system, contributing to its dynamic nature. Changes in individual characteristics or conditions within a system are referred to as condition change, while movement results in spatial dynamics where entities move in the system according to defined rules or forces.

The guest lecture proceeded seamlessly from inception to conclusion. Cicik Alfiniyah, Secretary of the Department of Mathematics, expressed gratitude, stating, “Thank God, it has enriched the students’ understanding in the field of dynamic systems.” She further emphasized that such activities are routine for the Research Group (KBK) in Mathematics. The initiation of guest lecture activities featuring international speakers represents the Mathematics Study Program’s contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in supporting sustainable development plans.