The UNAIR Mathematics Study program organized a Village Information System Training (SID) Community Service Program (PKM) in Klangon village, Saradan sub-district, Madiun district, to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This program specifically supports the sixteenth and fourth Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, ensuring equitable and inclusive education, facilitating lifelong learning opportunities for all, and establishing effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels.

Two other activities that were a component of the UNAIR Mathematics Study Program PKM were completed concurrently with this one. The PKM Mathematics Study Program team arranges activities in the areas of Economics and Education in addition to SID Training, which focuses on the field of Information Technology. These three events were place at SMPN 3 Saradan and the Klangon Village Hall. The actual SID instruction was held in a conference room of the Klangon Village Hall.

The event was hosted by Cicik Alfiniyah, M.Sc., Ph.D., and took place on Thursday, August 18, 2022, starting at approximately 09.30 WIB in the Klangon Village Office Hall. Didik Kuswandi, S.E., the Head of Klangon Village, and Prof. Dr. Fatmawati, M.Sc., the Deputy Dean for Division 3 Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) UNAIR, both made remarks during the opening. A prayer reading by UNAIR Mathematics Study Program lecturer Dr. Liliek Susilowati, M.Si., brought the opening event to an end.

There are two parts to this SID Training activity: a content session and a practical session. This time, two items were presented: an introduction to WordPress and an introduction to SID. All participants are required to complete a pretest prior to the start of the content in order to ascertain their baseline skills and to gather information for assessing the program’s effectiveness.

Nashrul Millah, M.Si., a lecturer in the UNAIR Mathematics Study Program, presented the first lesson on Introduction to SID. He stated in his presentation that Law No. 6 of 2014, which contains the government’s directives, included the establishment of SID. He also went over the steps involved in filing a SID and the advantages that the village government and community would receive.

Cyntia Aristhawati Rahman and Febri Anggi Tri K., two students in the UNAIR Mathematics Study Program, completed the second section of the Introduction to WordPress material. This information was provided in a concise manner to provide participants with an overview of the WordPress platform, which would be used to construct SIDs.

Following the training, participants were split up into four groups and given the task of creating the SID website by adding information to the available SID menu while being assisted by instructors and fellow students. Among these four groups are:

Each group gave a presentation to wrap up the practical exercise, outlining the content they had produced as well as the features and components of the website that had been used to prepare it.

The posttest, completion of the feedback form, distribution of mementos, and participant photos brought the day’s schedule to a close.

The UNAIR Mathematics Study Program’s information technology community service team helped the participants for a period of one to two months after the activity. In the hopes that the SID, which was introduced at the training that day, can be refined and advantageous to all involved.