Module name

English (BAE213)

Semester(s) in which

the module is taught

5th Semester

Person responsible for

the module

MKWU Lecturer Team


English language

Relation to curriculum


Teaching method(s)

Seminar, discuss, assignment


Total workload: 3.2 ECTS

Contact hours: 1,400 minutes = 23.33 hours

Self-study hours: 3,360 minutes = 56 hours



3.2 ECTS

Intended learning


After participating in this course, students are able to compose several paragraphs on a topic and essay systematically (K3)

Module content

This course discusses:

  1. Normal sentences pattern
  2. Types of sentences 
  3. Capitalization
  4. Noun clause, time clause, place clause, manner clause, distance and frequency clause, result clause, purpose clause, contrast clause, relative clause
  5. Relative pronoun as subject, relative pronoun as object, possessive relative clause
  6. Participle phrase
  7. Pattern of essay organization
  8. Abstract

Required and recommended prerequisites for joining

the module


Examination forms

Midterm Exam, Final Exam, Assignment, Softskill Assessment

Study and examination requirements

Student must have at least 75% of attendance out of total meetings

Reading List

1.      Hogue, Ann.1996. First Step In Academic Writing. New York; Longman

2.      Oshima, Alice and Ann Hogue. 1999. Writing Academic English (the 3rd Edition) New York; Longman