Module designation

Advanced Islam Religion

Semester(s) in which the module

is taught

3rd Semester

Person responsible for the module

PDB Team



Relation to curriculum


Teaching methods

Lectures, discussions, exercises, assignments


Total workload: 3.2 ECTS

Contact hours: 1,400 minutes = 23.33 hours Self-study hours: 3,360 minutes = 56 hours

Credit Points

3.2 ECTS

Revision Date

February, 2023

Required and recommended prerequisites for joining the


Module objectives/ intended learning outcome

After following this lesson students are able to apply the concept of Islam in the field of public health. Able to carry out public health services and interventions for individuals, groups and communities through cross-sectoral, cross-disciplinary and cross-professional

public health collaborations


Islamic Religious II contains the application of religious lectures related to the field of public health

Examination forms

Midterm-Essay (30%)

Final Exam-Essay (40%)

Presentation (10%)

Assignments-Paper (20%)

Study and examination requirements

Student must have at least 75% of attendance out of total meetings

Reading list

1.       Sayyid, Abdul Basith Muhammad. (2011). Pola Makan Rasulullah. Jakarta: Almahira

2.       Mudhafier, Fadhlan, dan Wibisono. (2004). Makanan Halal, Kebutuhan Umat dan Kepentingan Pengusaha. Jakarta: Zakia Press

3.       Yusuf, Ahmad Muhammad. (2010). Ensiklopedia Tematis Ayat Al Quran dan Hadits Jilid 7. Jakarta: Widya Cahaya